Coffeeberry Cafe, established in 2005, is a relaxed and friendly neighbourhood restaurant open daily for breakfast, lunch and supper.
The Piazza, Cascades Lifestyle Centre
McCarthy Drive
Pietermaritzburg, 3201
Trading Hours:
Monday - Saturday 07h00 - 21h00.
Sundays and Public Holidays 07h00 - 20h00
Click on the below for their social links

About The Clarendon Communty Association
The Clarendon Community Association (CCA) was formed, as a sub forum of the Town Hill Community Policing forum, 10 years ago as a result of an unprecedented spike in crime in the area. It currently represents the area from Taunton Road in the north; Timberline in the south; upwards from the Roberts Road bridge and everything in-between.
The CCA has continued to not only evolve in an ever-changing environment but embraced new approaches, all in the best interests of our whole community. The CCA committee members are all volunteers who offer their time freely in order that Clarendon is a desirable destination to own property and live safely.
While the challenges of our personal and property security, in current day South Africa, consumes a vast amount of time and resources; the Association has not lost sight of its role in fostering an open; engaging and communicating community. The tenant of reliance on and support for one another underpins any healthy; multicultural; multiracial society. With time the Clarendon Community Association has progressed, joining people; building a community and in so doing, continually worked to stay ahead of the ever-changing security threats that we all face. To date, paid up membership accounts for slightly less than 60% of all the homes in Clarendon, with the monthly fee of R200.00 having remained unchanged for the past 6 years.
Statistics from Town Hill Community Policing Precinct show a general decline in criminal activity; however, statistics alone do not make for comforting realities! Vigilance within and the spirit of our community; together with the presence of Magma Security; ably supported by our neighbourhood patrols ensure that our area is not a viable target for criminals.
The Clarendon Community Association, through the contributing membership, has tackled and continues to work on a number of initiatives such as fencing; cameras; neighbourhood patrols as well as the below. Please see the Security page for more information on the former as well as tips and advice: -
We do our best to inform the municipality, through our ward councillor, of faulty street lights and developing potholes in order that the neighbourhood is well managed and maintained for all who live here.
The common gardens and open areas are voluntarily tended to by Pam Read and her staff, ensuring that Clarendon remains a clean and aesthetically pleasing neighbourhood. Read more on the Flora page.
The Telegram security group is available to CCA members only. This group provides any security related information and is restricted to security issues only with the Magma guards able to react to any alerts on this group.
The Telegram chat group is available for any community information such as water / electricity problems, lost dogs and other issues. Our ward councillor is on this group and can intervene on our behalf with any municipality related concerns.
Please take note of the Community's Social Media etiquette here. Alternatively, you can visit the relevant page.
For all AGM minutes and newsletters, click here.