Coffeeberry Cafe, established in 2005, is a relaxed and friendly neighbourhood restaurant open daily for breakfast, lunch and supper.
The Piazza, Cascades Lifestyle Centre
McCarthy Drive
Pietermaritzburg, 3201
Trading Hours:
Monday - Saturday 07h00 - 21h00.
Sundays and Public Holidays 07h00 - 20h00
Click on the below for their social links

Flora of Clarendon
by Pam Read
The gardening project in Clarendon started about seven years ago when it was agreed that the entrance to Clarendon, at the Roberts Road bridge, was an eyesore. I emailed the residents to form a work party and had an overwhelming response. About fifteen residents as well as a large labour force came to help. We cleared the banks of builders’ rubble and planted up with a variety of plants to hold the very poor soil. The residents were amazing and it took about two years to complete the project. Of course the Aloes along the railings are a real show piece in July every year!

I am currently in the middle of obtaining tree signs which will be attached to various trees around Clarendon so that, while on your walks or runs around the area, you will be able to identify and get to know your natural habitat.
In the below gallery (click on each photo for a larger view) are photos of various areas within Clarendon which I, with my team of two gardeners Brian and Paulina maintain. Brian and Paulina are experienced and trained. Brian does all the brush-cutting and Paulina does all the weeding and tidying up.The Gloucester Road bank has been cleared and razor wire has been erected. The bank has been planted up with shrubs and trees but this is still a work in progress. The bank at the Roberts and Taunton Road traffic lights has been maintained and cared for too as this is the entrance to our beautiful suburb, Clarendon. There are a number of other areas all over Clarendon which we maintain, namely corners and verges outside residential properties that are not always maintained by the owners.
Over the last couple of years, we have had some major projects which my team and I have had to get involved with, namely to remove thick undergrowth and clearing vast areas in order to install and erect barriers against would be criminals. A few years ago, Kei Apples were planted all along the razor wire in Villiers Drive but, unfortunately, these did not survive despite our efforts to keep them flourishing. Kei Apples are native to Southern Africa and act as an impenetrable hedge. The major projects include the erecting of razor wire along the perimeter of Clarendon as well as the installation of a gate at Villiers Drive and at the top of Voortrekker Road. These gates are locked by the Magma guards at night and opened again at 6 a.m. This has contributed in curbing the entry and exit of criminals. The area behind Jacaranda School and leading up to the Mosque was another big project as we cleared it of undergrowth, thus preventing criminals from using it as a hideout. Razor was also erected here.
My team and I will continue to work hard to keep Clarendon neat, tidy and beautiful for all to enjoy!