Coffeeberry Cafe, established in 2005, is a relaxed and friendly neighbourhood restaurant open daily for breakfast, lunch and supper.
The Piazza, Cascades Lifestyle Centre
McCarthy Drive
Pietermaritzburg, 3201
Trading Hours:
Monday - Saturday 07h00 - 21h00.
Sundays and Public Holidays 07h00 - 20h00
Click on the below for their social links

MARRC - what does this stand for and what does it do?
MARRC stands for Msunduzi Association of Residents, Ratepayers and Civics. It is a constituted, non-profit, voluntary and non-political civil society movement.
An umbrella body of constituted local Residents and Ratepayer’s Associations and Civic Organizations in Msunduzi who represent various constituencies in different localities within the Msunduzi Municipal jurisdiction.
The constituencies have diverse challenges and varied views and opinions, but the same overall public benefit interest.
Our intent is to promote active citizenry which entails solution driven activities to promote effective service delivery, social justice, accountability, unity and ubuntu across the Municipal area of jurisdiction.
Should you wish to contact MARRC, their contact number is 072 536 2978 and their email address is
Postal address is P O Box 100969, Scottsville, PMB, 3201.

Please click on the below tabs for detailed reports, case studies as well as published media articles.