Coffeeberry Cafe, established in 2005, is a relaxed and friendly neighbourhood restaurant open daily for breakfast, lunch and supper.
The Piazza, Cascades Lifestyle Centre
McCarthy Drive
Pietermaritzburg, 3201
Trading Hours:
Monday - Saturday 07h00 - 21h00.
Sundays and Public Holidays 07h00 - 20h00
Click on the below for their social links
Hearts for Horses.....a foster care centre for abused and neglected horses.
This is a brand new registered non-profit organization. Please read Louise Snygans' message below or visit their website and Facebook page for more details on how you can offer your support -
Hearts for Horses was created to address the urgent need for foster care for horses and my undying devotion and passion for these amazing animals since I was a little filly myself.
Rescue centres are overcrowded with horses that just need time to recover and heal, which fills spaces that could be used for needier and serious cases. Just look at the amazing and unbelievable work these horse rescue centres are doing and we invite you to be a part of these heartfelt acts.
Help us to help them, so they can continue their amazing work in rescuing these beautiful animals in need.
There are so many rescue shelters dedicated to smaller animals but not many to bigger animals, like horses, as they need bigger spaces. The cost of care is so much higher, but all animals have the right to a second chance and we have the opportunity to give that to these animals.
We are committed to raising enough funds to get our foster care program up and running as soon as possible and any proceeds generated within our organization will be exclusively used to benefit these horses that will be in our care. Any extra resources will be given to other horse rescue centres and foster families.
As a non-profit organization, Hearts for Horses will rely on your kind-hearted contributions in order to best serve the needs of these amazing animals.
It will not be possible for us to keep these horses on a permanent basis - although we would love to - we will have to use our precious funds where they are needed most and that is to provide foster care in a safe and loving environment for recovering abused, neglected and starved horses where they are allowed to heal at their own pace and get a second chance to become a best friend and companion to a loving family.
Our Mission
* To provide a safe, loving environment for horses recovering from abuse, neglect and starvation
* The organization will ensure that all foster care horses will be treated with care, love and respect
* All foster care horses will have full access to veterinary and basic care such as regular farrier visits, parasite control, necessary vaccinations, dental care, chiropractors, etc.
* Our horses will live in dynamic natural environments, in herd groups, creating vital bonds that will be honored and protected
* Tailored training programs will be provided to each horse to help them realize their full potential and address the scars that cruelty and neglect has left on their lives
* To invite individuals to visit our headquarters, to see firsthand the impact of our organization has on the lives of abused and neglected horses
* Provide full records of each horse that will be kept and given to the horse care centres for when the horses are ready for adoption
* To bring relief to horse rescue centers in any way possible, be it fundraisers, rural outreaches or basic needs of horses
* Provide programs and volunteer opportunities that teach love, compassion and patience to all our equine friends through natural horsemanship
* To provide assistance to all horse lovers willing to keep their horses and help and show them how to care for these animals in the best possible way